How far along? 25 weeks
Total weight gain/measurements: 16 pounds! Right now, I'm gaining about a pound a week, and my appetite is definitely increasing!
Maternity clothes: Yep, still the same ones as before.
Stretch marks: None! And still using Palmer's Cocoa Butter Massage Lotion for Stretch Marks everyday around my belly, sides, and breasts.
Sleep: Still using my
Snoozer pregnancy pillow every night and sleeping like a baby. The only thing that annoys me is that I have to wake up every night at about 4am to use the restroom and then again at 8am. So I am pretty much awake everyday at 8 which makes me very sleepy throughout the day. I'm not complaining though, it is definitely good practice for what's to come! :)
Best moment this week: There were a few really good moments this week. We went to Miami to visit Simeon's family and it was so nice seeing and spending time with them. Also, his best friend recently had a baby and I had a nice, long cuddle session with him. He is so sweet (pictured below). Also, we found the perfect rocker for her nursery. I can't wait until we are at the new house so we can finally order it! And last but not least, hearing Simeon say, "Seeing you pregnant is the most beautiful thing I've ever experienced." He really knows how to tear me up these days! So sweet.
Miss anything? Nothing right now, I am loving being pregnant, watching my body change and feeling her move around and hiccup!
Movement: Lots! It's now moving my whole belly around, and I can now feel her every time she has the hiccups (which seems to be at least 2-3 times a day! )
Food cravings: None really, I never really craved anything to the point where I needed to have it. But whenever I watch the food network, I always crave what I see there.
Anything making you queasy or sick? Nope, just still feel a little short of breath. I've caught myself taking the occasional really deep breath, because I never feel like I get enough air to fill my lungs. Not sure if that's normal but it doesn't really bother me anymore now that I'm used to it.
Gender: Girl!
Labour signs: None. Phew.
Symptoms: Feeling more fatigued, sore abdomen/crotch still, and appetite is increasing. Oh, and lots of acne this week...gross!
Belly button in or out? In!
Engagement ring on or off? On:)
Happy or moody most of the time: Very happy!
Looking forward to: Our next checkup, and signing the lease for our new house...I am so sick of living in an apartment!